Jun 22, 2011

The Ultimate Catherine Baba Post

Everyone who knows me, knows I worship Catherine Baba! When those certain women come into my store, (you know who you are, darlings!) we gather around the computer and watch Catherine Baba videos. Seriously. Screams of "J'adore!" "Darling!" and my favorite: "Faaaaabulous!" pour out in high pitched screams.
She is a styliste ICON, lovey's!
For me, I enjoy how she has branded herself. Her styling work shows her own style, yet somehow it still looks true to the editorial's or client's image.

I first saw a photo of her on the "Sartorialist" and fell in love.I had no inkling of who she was or what she did. I just thought; "I want to look like that!"

A slow, steady stalking insued.

Here are a my favorite photos.

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