Mar 3, 2009

La-La-La Lanvin

Possibly one of my favorite collections right now. Lanvin, Resort 2009. Bright colors and a higgedly piggedly array of baubles and wrong it's first thought. Second thought: Grey Gardens is still a vital influence in fashion!!!!!
From "Alber Elbaz was thinking not only of the "idea of vacation" but also of the "perfect American [look] of the fifties—but made in the wrong way."
Ahhhh, so right, indeed.
Who doesn't have a long summer dress in almost painfully bright colors? They always lose their appeal after a couple of wears. But now by adding pearls, brooches and some creative draping (ie: pinning and rolling those hems)they can be fresh again. Don't forget the rolled out of bed up-do (add your pins and treasures to it as well!) piles of chains, belts, large eighties-esque earrings,"dressy heels" and a touch of blush. Perfect for the Hamptons!


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