Renee Spina Deardeuff walked into my store a few weeks ago and I nearly chewed off my bakelite bracelets. She had been a visitor at my old store, so I was familiar with her unique style, but on this particular Sunday she blew my fishnet stockings off! Dressed in natty nautical trousers, wide brimmed sun hat (a la Renee Perle!) huge wooden earrings and to die for shoes and sunnies. THIS was one of those customers that you KNOW you are going to fall in love with.
As the day was hectic, I didn't get to interact with her right away. However when she pranced out of the fitting room in MY favorite Tori Richard palazzo jumpsuit I took notice...AGAIN!
We started speaking about different fashionable dames and when she knew who Michelle Harper was, well my heart stopped.
The girls and I quickly fell in love with her infectious laugh, mannerisms and damn spot on fashion sense. When she told us about her alter ego, Marge, we were ready to keep her hostage.

Renee returned that week for a KILLER pair of Prada shoes and I knew...just knew that we would be life long friends.
I had the chance to interview her this past Saturday and it was a blast. (the bottle of red didn't hurt either!) Read on and fall in love with Renee yourself...or with her alter ego: Marge.
Chi-Chi: what is your favorite piece in your collection right now?Renee: the sassy little number i purchased from here (Her Tori Richard's jumpsuit from Chi-Chi and the Greek.) I love the way it fit, the boldness of the print, the wide palazzo pants and the adorable jacket! It was the first thing I saw when i walked in, and when I went back to it and realised it was palazzo pants I died!!
Chi-Chi: Who are your favorite designers?Renee: Chanel, Gucci, Dior, Prada.Chi-Chi: With that said, do you shop vintage for labels or just for the piece?Renee: I don't care...as long as i love it! if it looks great than I'm in!Chi-Chi: When did Marge come into the picture?Renee: late 80's, early 90's. She showed up in a leopard bathing suit and "Marge" hair at a friends pool party. Then she was involved in a bowling league and on Halloween she showed up as ..herself. Then 5 yrs ago i went to a drive in party as Marge. She became more popular than me!! No one asked about me anymore, they just wanted to know if Marge was coming. Sometimes she socializes, other times she passes out hot dogs with a cough and a cigarette. (a
FAKE cigarette that Renee fashioned from dryer lint, by the way!)

Chi-Chi: What women do you look upon as style icons?Renee: My grandmother and my Aunt June. Aunt June stood out, she was loud vocally and in her way of dressing.. I connected very easily to her. She said what she felt and was always put together from hair to bauble! She had and wore an array of Caftan's that she would pair with really great marabou feather slippers or strappy sandals. I loved her really big, bright necklaces and bakelite bracelets too.
Chi-Chi: What kind of music do you listen to?Renee: Everything from the blues, jazz, Edith Piaf, old school rock and PUNK!
Chi-Chi: favorite beauty products and fragrances?Renee: Coco,Annick Goutal,Issey Miyake & Kiehl's original musk for fragrances. Beauty products:Natural Crystal Rock(keeps the bees & the flys away...HaHaHa) Loose Face Powder,Eyeliner,Mascara & Blush.Chi-Chi: Lastly, what are some of your favorite stores?Renee: Seriously? Well let's see... Off the top of my head...
Chi-Chi & The Greek(Shocking) Ella's Vintage, Paris, Lost and Found, Mother Fletcher's. Anthropology, H&M, TJM, Scout, Etsy & EBayThank you Renee for a lovely day and for sharing your stories with us!

"Marge" and myself!